Autosurf Websyndic

#BreakingGames Super Hack,Online,Offline, ModMenu, GTA V (5) Grand Theft Auto V (5)

#BreakingGames Super Hack,Online,Offline, ModMenu, GTA V (5) Grand Theft Auto V (5)



1.First Download the file provided near the bottom of the page.

2.Now, check that your GTAV.exe (Located in your Steam Libary > Common > Grand Theft Auto V) is at the version 1.28 

3. Drag and drop the files that you have downloaded.

4.Once you have done the third step run GTA Online through Steam.

5.Press F4 to bring up EqualityMenu1.27.

Extra Info to make your modding experience better:


- 2 to go down.
- 8 to go up.
- 5 to select.
- F6 to open and close mod menus.
NUM9 - speed boost
NUM+ - vehicle rockets



Animal skins work online
Vehicle spawning works online
Bodyguard menu
Vision menu
Disable ragdoll
One hit kill
Super explosive ammo
Weapon edit menu (teleport gun, money gun, car gun, object gun)
Spawn in nearest empty car
Max upgrade vehicle (pimp my ride)
Open/close doors
Rainbow paint
No fall
Select traction type
IPL Loader
Object spawner
Mobile radio
Clear badsport and cheater reports
Recovery menu (100% unlocks, level editor)

Online Player Menu:

Teleport to player
Teleport player to me
Give/take weapons
Explode players
Frame players
Drop money
Clone players
Attach objects to players
Kill engine
Eject from vehicle
Launch vehicle
Force suicide (kill players in passive)
Spawn enemies

FreeOffset (/u/smokevapors)
B4nk (/u/b4nk)
jedijosh920 (/u/jedijosh920)
Alexander Blade
rkaf - Renaming & 1.28 Update
Lunatic - Renaming